
  1. Python - Doing nothing with an if statement

    When you don’t want to do anything in an if statement when a condition is met or not met, you can use the pass statement.

  2. Python - Preventing Line Breaks with the print Function

    If you don’t want to output a line break with the print function, specify an empty string for the end argument.

  3. Python - Error No module named ‘PIL’ occurs

    The error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL' occurs when the image processing library Pillow is not installed. To resolve this, install Pillow using the pip command.

  4. PostgreSQL - Getting the Character Count

    To check the number of characters, use the length function. This function returns the number of characters, not bytes, so it returns the same result regardless of whether the characters are half-width or full-width.

  5. List of Leap Years

    A quick reference table for leap years. Smartphone compatible.

  6. Python - Getting the Absolute Value

    To get the absolute value, you can use the built-in function abs, the fabs function from the math module, and the fabs function from the cmath module.

  7. ASCII Table

    List of ASCII codes, including binary, octal, hexadecimal, and control character descriptions.

  8. Checking if a Python list is empty

    There are several ways to check if a list contains any elements, such as using “if not”, the built-in len function, or comparing it to an empty array.

  9. Python - Getting the index with a for loop

    By using the built-in function enumerate, you can get both the index and the value of a list at the same time. enumerate is a built-in function that takes an iterable object (such as a list, tuple, or string) as input, assigns an index to each element, and returns a pair of the index and element.

  10. Visual Studio Code - How to Check Your Version (Mac)

    To check the VSCode version, choose "About Visual Studio Code" from the Code menu.

  11. Visual Studio Code - Displaying Git changed files as a tree

    In VSCODE, you can display the list of Git source control files as a tree. When displayed as a tree, it is easier to see which folder’s files have been changed.

  12. Visual Studio Code - Hide __pycache__

    To hide the Python cache folder “__pycache__” and the cache file “.pyc”, add the pattern of the file/folder you want to hide to the “files.exclude” setting.

  13. Printing to Standard Error (stderr) in Python

    By default, the print function prints a string to standard output (stdout), but you can specify a different output destination with the file argument. When you pass sys.stderr as this argument, the print function prints the string to standard error. You can also use the write method of sys.stderr to output, but unlike the print function, it does not automatically insert a newline.

  14. Python - Wait for a specified time (sleep / wait)

    To stop a program (thread) for a specified time, use the sleep function of the time module.

  15. Visual Studio Code - How to Change the Font Size

    To change the font size in VSCode, change the value of Editor:Font Size in the Settings window.

  16. Visual Studio Code - How to Check Your Version (Windows)

    To check the version of VSCode, choose About from the Help menu.

  17. Hello.
